The Joys of Mommyhood
What I would really would have like to have called this entry would be "The Perplexities of Motherhood", or how about the "The Toughest Job you'll ever Hate." Not too politically correct...
Okay, well you can just go ahead and pick up your jaw from the ground and allow me to explain.
I've long had the dream of being a mom. the very romantic notions I'm sure we all share of daydreaming of what our little girl would look like, the fun my children and I would have playing together, the kind of adults they would later be.
Fast forward a few years and 2 rugrats, er, later. Reality sets in.
Okay, I know what they both look like now- they both resemble their father.
Fun? between emptying the diaper pail full of green goop (still trying to figure that one out and not a good feeling when you've realized that some of the green is in your fingernail) to trying to get dinner finished in record time every night (I’m sorry Rachael Ray but there is NO SUCH thing as a 30 minute dinner- have you forgotten cleanup time???), there is little time for fun.The kind of adults they will be?......DELINQUENTS!!!.. (get BACK in that naughty corner before I kill you, Brandon!!!!)
Time for myself is a thing of the just to get 5 minutes in the shower all to myself is pure bliss.
Dinnertime is scarfed down in record time while balancing a baby in one arm and reading emails at the same time.
Motherhood is pure sacrifice.
But you wanna know something?...In spite of it all...I really couldn't do without my 2 little munchkins. :)
In trying to navigate through all of the ups and down of motherhood, it's so easy to get caught up in the stresses of everyday life.
I sometimes have to step back and force myself to put things in perspective. When i see my little 6 month old screaming her lungs out, facing turning beet red and wailing to be picked up for the 90 millionth time- I know there will come a day when she will be out with all of her friends and Mommy will be the one vying for some of her attention.
Or feeling the anger rise when
Instead of shooing him out of the kitchen, I allow him to help me prepare it, mess and all because I remind myself that one day I may be begging him to pencil me in for a dinner that week.
I'm not sure what lead to my little epiphany. But I'm sure glad it happened now when I can still hold them both in my arms at the same time and shower them with a million kisses.
I take all of these petty little annoyances for just that...Petty. in fact, I find myself now just smiling at what makes kids, because one day I know I'll be looking around for my 2 little mice and realize they have turned into Big People.
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